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Cell Image Analysis Facility

Plant biotechnology

University of Kent

General description

Tissue and cell imaging enables the investigation of the structural, functional, and physiological attributes of plant cells in both standard and stress-induced growth environments. Numerous technologies have been devised to facilitate this. These tools furnish not only anatomical insights into plants at tissue, cellular, and subcellular tiers, but also enable the visualization of the spatial-temporal fluctuations in essential cellular activities, such as mitosis, morphogenesis, and cytoskeleton dynamics. Moreover, they allow for the examination of the distribution and kinetics of particular molecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, and other metabolites.

Technical description

Zeiss LSM 880 Elyra confocal microscope with Airyscan and PALM/STORM Super Resolution, Jeol 1230 120kV Transmission Electron Microscope equipped with a Gatan One View 16mp camera with automatic drift correction, Bruker Multimode Atomic Force Microscope and Leica EM UC7 ultramicrotome and diamond knives.

Location: 217 Stacey, University of Kent, Canterbury, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NZ