Research Facilities
Growing Kent & Medway invests in research facilities, technical experts and grant funding to drive sustainable innovation for food and drink. Explore how our research centres, equipment and projects are supporting businesses to innovate and grow.
The GreenTech Hub for Advanced Horticulture at NIAB is a new state-of-the-art glasshouse and propagation unit. Features include; plant growth rooms with controlled environment and a Wine Innovation Centre.
Research specialists in crop protection, post-harvest storage, value addition and food innovation. The Medway Food Innovation Centre can help your business solve your food processing challenges and support new product development.
The Biotechnology Hub applies high-tech approaches to production and processing of high-value foods and plant-based compounds from plant material and waste, pathogen identification and control, and maintenance of healthy soil.
Specialists in alternative fuels, robotics and mechatronics, advanced manufacturing and automation. The Industrial Agri-Engineering Hub helps provide real-world solutions to real-world problems.